«The Sleeping Concert was such a wonderful experience! Musically accompanying my guests into sweet dreams, caring for their sonic well-being, protecting them with a shield of a soft soundwall made out of gentle feedbacks. The real magic started when the birds joined in, or the cleaning cars passing in the early morning, adding another compositional layer on top. Some people woke up every once in a while, lifting their heads listening just for a moment before they went back to their personal trips.
Constantly playing for seven to eight hours is also a wonderful challenge for storytelling and dramaturgy, spanning sounds across long periods of time. Very thankful for this!» Simon Grab
4 May 2019 Chiasso – Spazio Lampo
The concert was part of the Chiassoletteraria – Festival internazionale di letteratura, organized by Spazio Lampo in combination with the concert of Roedelius + Niton Live. Special shout outs to Francesco Giudici and Aline d’Auria for organising!
18 Octobre 2019 Milano – Teatro i
As part of «Words’ silence» project, a 24 hour radio stream, invited by Alan Alpenfelt.
«E se ti piace l’idea di dormire a teatro aspetta lo Sleeping concert: Simon Grab sarà un “master of ceremony” che veglierà sul pubblico tenendolo al sicuro, incanalandolo tra il mondo dei sogni e quello della realtà, suonando durante il sonno di chi vorrà essere con noi. Al risveglio, caffè per tutti!»
Photos Chiasso by Aline d’Auria
Photos Milano by Camilla Signorelli: